AFAPREDESA nace como respuesta civil a la lamentable situación de los derechos humanos, la incapacidad de defensa de los desaparecidos y torturados y de nuestra angustia como padres, hijos, esposas o hermanos ante la consecuencia de la invasión cívico-militar del Sáhara Occidental por Marruecos.
AFAPREDESA se constituyó el 20 de Agosto de 1989 en los Campamentos de refugiados de Tinduf. Es una Organización No Gubernamental saharaui de defensa de los Derechos Humanos, así reconocida por las leyes saharauis.
Es miembro observador de la Comisión Africana de Derechos Humanos y miembro de la Coalizacion Internacional para la protección de todas las personas contra las desapareciones forzadas.
Participa en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU en Ginebra. También actúa ante el Parlamento Europeo.
AFAPREDESA ha sido proscrita por el gobierno marroquí, pero aún así continúa ejerciendo su actividad dentro del territorio ocupado.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2015

Boycott and disinformation moroccan campaign against Sweden

             "The Moroccan blackmail against Sweden, their institutions and companies is unacceptable and intolerable," said today, October 5, Mr. Abdeslam Omar Lahsen, president of AFAPREDESA.

Since last September 28, 2015, we are following a Moroccan propaganda campaign of misinformation and unjustified attacks against Sweden, their institutions and companies. All kinds of excuses are invented to try to discredit Sweden. All kinds of false allegations are used: "Sweden would be ready to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic" or "Sweden boycotts Moroccan products" and even that "the position of Sweden threatens peace and promotes terrorism in all its forms !!! ".

Morocco started putting obstacles to the opening of the company Ikea, Volvo headquarters eviction and threatened to boycott the Swedish companies using "their right to reciprocity."

In nothing they have served the explanations from different departments at the Swedish Foreign Ministry, "the issue of recognizing SADR is internal study by Ambassador Fredrik Florén" and that " Sweden does not boycott Moroccan products". Despite this, Morocco continues its propaganda war against Sweden for no apparent reason.

          "Does Morocco think that vile and grotesque attack against one of the most democratic countries in the world, would give up their own values ​​and principles?" The AFAPREDESA president asks.

If it came to fruition; Sweden will not be the first country to recognize SADR. In the world there are 84 countries that have already done. Morocco never amount similar campaigns against Mexico, South Africa nor Nigeria... Neither did in other countries where the issue of recognition of the SADR is on the table, such as Brazil and Chile

Sweden blaming "threatening peace and promoting terrorism" is simply delusional. The whole world highly appreciates the courageous positions and Sweden's commitment to peace and human rights.

         "The Kingdom of Morocco should review their own positions, starting with facilitating the organization by the United Nations self-determination referendum in Western Sahara"AFAPREDESA President  concludes.

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